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Fix a Fuel Can - Thanks to Gov over regulation

If you have purchased a gas can in recent years, you'll know they come with various safety devices on them. Some are particularly bad in this area in that the supposed safety comes at the expense of function. In general, the intent on these features is good, but the reality is that they are designed to deal with the lowest common denominator in the human gene pool. The prime example of this in the fuel can business is the anti spill features. of course, these all assume you put the cap on properly, but what do I know. Without getting too far into it, the anti spill feature on a particular can makes it very difficult to use the can, particularly with one hand (impossible in this case) or if it's cold, or you have to lean or reach in an awkward manner to our the fuel from it.

This is the original can spout

Turns out, as with all things, the internet provides a solution. There may very well be a simpler and cheaper one, but what i found was a spout replacement kit off of Amazon.

After the new spout is installed, much more functional.

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